Sunday 8 June 2014

How Deep Watering is Important for New Plants and the Function of Tree Bags

Tree bags have become very popular in the last decade and it has helped a lot in growing trees properly. Many people who have a garden at their houses have taken the help of tree bags to water their trees because sometimes it becomes really difficult to go around checking which plant needs water and which plant does not. Moreover if you have the habit of travelling frequently then tree bags are a must if you want to keep the plants and trees healthy. There are people who often have a common question as to why a new tree requires deep watering. Tree bags for watering trees are not only to help them get the appropriate amount of water on a daily basis but also for growing new trees. All the newly planted trees have a reduced root system which makes them vulnerable to be uprooted easily. In order to prevent this if you fix a tree bag to it then the plant will become heavier than usual and would stick to the ground properly. Deep watering also helps in keeping the moisture concentrations at par to the surface which reduces the transplant shock and in turn attracts the roots into the soil.

Deep watering does not mean the depth will be several feet down the earth. On an average the depth should be at least 12 inches and can be more according to the nature of the plant. If you see the root system of any tree you will find that the end part is located just below the soil at an average of 4 feet of depth. For new trees it can be 2 feet as well and it is always recommended that the water be applied at the ball of the root so that the consumption of water is moderate. Find superior quality tree bags from dependable online store such as Eco Bag Industries.
Many experts have suggested that deep watering is required for slow penetrations and that’s why it is recommended to apply high volumes of water in the first instance. With the help of the tree bag you will only have to attach the bag to the tree and set the average seepage of water on a daily basis. The bag is designed in such a way so that even if there is a rise in temperature on the outside the water would not be affected. It will remain as it is when it was poured in the bag.

You may also ask the average consumption of water by a new tree so as to get an idea about how much water you need to store in the tree bag. Well there is no standard amount or guideline as such. A good example will help you to understand the concept better. If the tree caliper is of 1 inch then it would require around 10 gallons of water on a weekly basis. Similarly is the tree caliper is of 2 inches then it would require 20 gallons of water and so on and so forth. The tree bags are big enough to contain such huge volumes of water. The refilling of the tree bag is simple enough and the attachment part to the plant is also simple.


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