Wednesday 2 July 2014

Latest Method of Boosting the Growth of the Trees

For people, who love to nurture and care for the trees and plants in their garden, new methods for watering the plants have been discovered. People, who love their garden, will absolutely love this method. They need not worry about watering the plants when they are away as the tree bags are here.

Tree bags forwatering trees come with several benefits. Watering plants is never a headache for those who love their garden. This technique will give them a whole new method to care for their beloved garden. These tree bags are made for irrigating growing trees and shrubs. Eco Bags are a drip watering system which is generally used for watering a tree for a period of one month automatically. 

These bags are of high importance in areas where the water supply is less and water restrictions are high. These were found six years ago in Queensland, Australia and are used since then by local councils, home gardeners and commercial enterprises. These bags are a revolutionary product which can be a great method of watering trees which are left unattended for a long time.

Some other benefits of Eco Bags include:

    These tree bags for watering trees prevent evaporation.
    They stop weed from growing around the trees.
    They increase the survival rate of trees when they are planted  in heavy numbers in remote places where there is no scope of watering the plants other than rain. 
    These are highly useful in drought affected areas.
     Even the fertilizers can be easily added to the bag.
      Refilling the bags is also very easy.
      Eco Bags feature a laminated UV treated vinyl coating to protect it from the UV rays.
      They can be used to water and irrigate a wide range of plants including Lilly, Roses, Fruit trees, Azalea, Magnolia, Birch, Crapemyrtle, Mocorange, Viburnium, etc.

Eco Bags are highly cost-effective and water-saving too. One such bag uses 365 liters of water per year which cost only .76 cents. These can be even cheaper when bought in bulk. It pays for itself within two months by saving water in comparison to a normal drip irrigation system.

If you have a garden to maintain, then tree bags are the best for you. These bags are small and are placed at the bottom of the plant. These can be easily covered by sawdust and few wood chips to make sure that one only notices the beauty of the shrubs and the plants, not the bags.

These bags top the list of gardening care methods these days. Automatic, cheap and water-saving, these bags contribute hugely in several reforestation projects. As these bags are extremely affordable, you can not only take care of their own garden, but can also take an initiative to make your locality, colony, or apartment, a greener place to live in. These might be available at a store near you, but it is guaranteed that you can find them online much more easily as ECO Bag Industries sells the best quality tree watering bags online.  Visit: to find these bags for your garden.


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